September 21, 2016

Frei Otto

From 4.11.2016 the modular exhibition system designed by Stadelmann Schmutz Wössner for ‘Globale’ will be shown as part of the exhibition ‘Frei Otto. Thinking by Modeling’ at ZKM, Centre for Art and Media in Karlsruhe. A large number of models, objects and instruments will be displayed on an expansive table arranged by ‘FAR frohn&rojas’ with the modular framework laid out horizontally as a base.

June 15, 2016


Works have started for the renovation and conversion of several historic rooms in the large country house from 1853. The spaces which had been renovated in the 60s will be brought back to their original status and building fabric. Insulation will be installed discretely as a new lining on walls and soffits to improve energy efficiency but also to add new architectural elements in order to enhance the character of the interiors.

May 6, 2016

Unit 12, London Metropolitan University

Invitation as guest critic to the final crit of Peter St John and Rod Heyes’ Unit 12 at London Metropolitan University. The unit explored industrial structures and the potential of the ‘Mixed City’ on Fish Island, London. Photo by David Grandorge, CSTJ Lycée Hotelier Lille.

March 11, 2016

Nervous Systems: RYBN display table

The display table designed with Frank Joachim Wössner and Eva-Maria Stadelmann for the artists RYBN is part of the exhibition ‘Nervous Systems’ at Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin, curated by Anselm Franke, Stephanie Hankey and Marek Tuszynski. The table is featured in the publication by Spector Books. Photo: Laura Fiorio. Exhibition from 11.3.16 – 9.5.16.

February 27, 2016


Local interventions in the 7 participating cities for ‘Actopolis’ have started, e.g. with ‘The Soft Power Lectures’ / South’ in Athens. The outcome of the programmes undertaken throughout the year will form part of the exhibition designed in collaboration with Eva-Maria Stadelmann and Frank Joachim Wössner for Goethe Institut/Urbane Künste Ruhr. Image: Actopolis.