November 14, 2023
Baukunst Düsseldorf
Bernd Schmutz has been invited by Kunstakademie Düsseldorf to give a lecture as part of the series at Baukunstklasse, alongside with Matthias von Ballestrem, HCU/Bauhaus Erde, on 20.11.23.
July 27, 2023
BTU Cottbus
Bernd Schmutz has been invited as guest critic to join Studio Meier Unger for their final crit at BTU Cottbus, alongside Adrian Dorschner. Under the title ‘Handwerk + Experiment’ the students developed proposals for an abandoned railway site, bridging between urban planning, landscape and interior scale.
July 12, 2023
studio archipelago
Bernd Schmutz will be joining ‘studio archipelago’ with Naima Elena Mora for the final crit at Hafen-City Universität in Hamburg, at the chair for Entwerfen und Experimentelles Gestalten, led by Prof. Susanne Brorson.
July 2, 2023
Vers une architecture
Together with Katharina Benjamin/Kontextur and Matthias Ballestrem/Bauhaus Erde, Bernd Schmutz has been invited to give a talk as part of JUNG Architektur Gespräche, reflecting “Vers une architecture” by offering new concepts for the production of architecture. The event will take place at Chamäleon Theater, Hackesche Höfe, Berlin, on 03.07.23 at 19.00. Register to take part.
June 11, 2023
Jaretti & Luzi at UdK
Bernd Schmutz has been invited by SUMMACUMFEMMER’s chair for Entwerfen und Stadterneuerung at Universität der Künste Berlin to give a talk and sneak preview of the book on ‘Jaretti & Luzi’s work in Turin.