
Jaretti & Luzi

Monograph 'Jaretti & Luzi'
Editors and authors: Bernd Schmutz and Dominik Fiederling
Publication in 2024
Publisher: Park Books, Zürich
Photography: Jüttner, Lanz, Schels / Pk-Odessa

The research and book investigate the work of the Turin architects ‘Jaretti & Luzi’ who designed a large number of housing schemes built between the mid 50s and the mid 70s. For the first time an extensive monograph will make this body of work accessible and comprise all of their projects shown in great detail to demonstrate the inventive, playful and varied approach of this particular position within Italian architecture, developed aside Milan and therefore shown against the particular cultural and architectural background of Turin at the time. It will contain texts by the editors accompanied by positions from Italy and beyond. A full set of drawings of will provide a broad description of each building and locate it within its specific situation of Turin’s city fabric. The book will be published by Park Books, Zürich.

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